Site prep
- Set up decontamination station
- Obtain special discharge permit for 1 million gallons of water onsite
Demolition activities
- De-watering 40 deep pits and foundations
- Decontaminating pit interiors
- Demolishing concrete foundation walls to 36” below grade
Remediation tasks
- Onsite stabilization of RCRA hazardous soils with elevated lead concentrations
- Solidifying, containerizing and disposing of PCB contaminated pit sludge
- Offsite disposal of 5,000 tons of non-hazardous soils
- Backfill and site restoration including construction of berms to precise grading requirements
Project Facts
- 150-day project
- Disposal of 5,000 tons of non-hazardous waste
- Discharge of 1,000,000 gals of water