Manufactured Gas Plant and Brownfield Remediation
We are the Midwest’s leading environmental contractor for Manufactured Gas Plant, Brownfield, and other industrial sites in need of remediation. Former Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs) are an environmental liability and often require remediation prior to redevelopment. Coal tar, a common MGP byproduct, can seep out and affect soil, sediment, surface water, and groundwater. We provide a wide variety of remediation services to clean up and successfully decontaminate industrial waste and MGP sites. RW Collins is the premier excavation and remediation contractor for MGP sites throughout Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Ohio.
- Pollutants on these sites include: volatile organic compounds, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals
- Completed more than 25 large-scale MGP site remediation and brownfield redevelopment projects throughout Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio
- We coordinate and support the installation of earth retention systems, pumping for de-watering purposes, utility cutoffs, backfill and compaction, and restoration of surface areas
- Contaminated material and waste are excavated and hauled to EPA approved disposal facilities
- Highly experienced project managers with many certifications in the handling of hazardous materials
- Certified Hazardous Materials Manager on staff
- We are a fully licensed USDOT hazardous materials hauler
Contact us for project estimates and to learn more about our services.