UST Removal – Former Military Facility

(4) 40,000 gallon fuel oil tanks, previously abandoned in place and filled with foam had to be removed to make way for a new cargo facility. Removal procedures included: liquid removal, use of drying agent to change foam into a movable state, and removal of foam with an excavator.

Project Tasks:

  • Tanks were cleaned in place and checked for vapor levels
  • Hydraulic shear was used to open tanks. Two large excavators worked to remove tanks
  • Foam from tanks was mixed with soil and lime to safely transport for disposal

Project Facts:

  • Removed over 120,000 gallons of liquid from tanks
  • Foam/inert material removed from tank interior totaled 800 cubic yards
  • Each tank measured 10.5′ x 64′
ust removal
ust removal OHare073115_453 excavation AAA_04 OHare073115_318